explains key word concepts -->
Lance Armstrong and the
Armstrong Baby Kidnapping
with Agatha Christie
Lance Armstrong - Wikipedia
Height: 1.77 m (5 ft 9 1⁄2 in)
Nickname: Le Boss Big Tex
Weight: 75 kg (165 lb)
Lance Armstrong
Lan --> Earth geography accounting systems
Land ....bal ..... Balance messenger agent ....
.............................. lance Armstrong
History of .......... Armstrong message system
Was The Armstrong Case Real? 'Murder On The Orient Express' - Bustle
Nov 9, 2017 - Edward Ratchett (Johnny Depp) is found dead in his train compartment on the Orient Express; a dozen, seemingly unconnected suspects deny any involvement, and Belgian private inspector Hercule Poirot (Kenneth Branagh) is desperate to solve the case. ... In the movie, as with the book ...
Murder on the Orient Express Part 1, Chapter 8 Summary - Shmoop
Armstrong is the 1993 professional world champion,
and won the Tour de France a record seven consecutive times from 1999 to 2005
and won the Tour de France a record seven consecutive times from 1999 to 2005
Armstrong is the 1993 professional proper noun
......................................pro fe ......al
protons 26 of ferrous /iron ... and its
atomic 26 alphabet letters of pro --> prose
of professional Agatha Christie
my = myoglobin protein mysteries and
atomic 26 alphabet letters of pro --> prose
of professional Agatha Christie
my = myoglobin protein mysteries and
the world champion ....
(food grain --> brain evolution .... message molecule
(food grain --> brain evolution .... message molecule
and won the English language communications .....
........ Book store paperback Tour de France .......
a data processing record for
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ... number 7 / seven project ........ seven consecutive times from 1999 to 2005
........ Book store paperback Tour de France .......
a data processing record for
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ... number 7 / seven project ........ seven consecutive times from 1999 to 2005
to connect to the gravity field/ magnetic field/ CO2 data cycle communication bridges of
the Seven Bridges of potassium K-channel neurotransmitters that thinK clearly and provide accurate explanations.
the Seven Bridges of potassium K-channel neurotransmitters that thinK clearly and provide accurate explanations.
Mr. Armstrong .... Murder on the Orient Express
- Agatha Christie - Paperback
- Agatha Christie -
with Art Linkletter code ..... blood arteries SOFTWARE Link the Letters of Canada from
Malartic French/English Quebec VIA
a Polish mother and the Que.BEC BEC mineral exploration industry in 1962/ 1963 / 1964 with the
1964 World's Fair built by the MOS circuit expression agent in New York City ....Robert Moses.
a Polish mother and the Que.BEC BEC mineral exploration industry in 1962/ 1963 / 1964 with the
1964 World's Fair built by the MOS circuit expression agent in New York City ....Robert Moses.
Tour de France a record seven
Tour de France a record seven
Tour code F ran .... Hex'F' = 15 and
EARTH systems .... base variables from
EARTH systems .... base variables from
Ba + varia (Bavaria) and Independent random variables
( I ran) from the earth geography
mathematical-physics surface and its language
( I ran) from the earth geography
mathematical-physics surface and its language
.... I Ran 26 miles in Boston ..... IRAN and IRAQ ...
Q-variables of Paul Dirac and the
Q character of Star Trek .... the Next generation of existential expressions on EARTH .....
per IBM GooVoo Voodoo data sets as explained by
Q-variables of Paul Dirac and the
Q character of Star Trek .... the Next generation of existential expressions on EARTH .....
per IBM GooVoo Voodoo data sets as explained by
G.V. Loganathan of Virginia TECH and Kip S. Thorne of CalTECH and Logan Utah
Tour de France a record seven
Tour de France a record seven
Tour de France a record seven of EARTH atmosphere nitrogen and the EARTH geography surface
... as a nitrogen expression platform .......
with human LUNG --> NG = Nitrogen Gas
as explained by the nature's HMO agents .. the HMONG
... as a nitrogen expression platform .......
with human LUNG --> NG = Nitrogen Gas
as explained by the nature's HMO agents .. the HMONG
Tour de France a record seven
Tour de France a record seven ....
Examines Controversial Hmo .... Nitrogen gas Shooting : NPR
Oct 27, 2010 - What kind of picture does this paint about the Hmong-American community? LYDEN: But, Lu, six people were dead and charges were filed. I mean, what was going on in the Anglo hunting community? LIPPOLD: Well, in the Rice Lake community in particular and in the rural white community, there was a lot .Tour de France a record seven .... Tour de France a record seven of nitrogen 7 in N = Nitrogen message region of Northern Wisconsin ....
Vang | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of rigged information trials
Vang --> ng -->
Earth atmosphere nitrogen THOUGHT molecule ...
Earth ....mos circuit (molecule circuits on EARTH land
that use the human LUNG carrier system .....
thus nitrogen with
human expression agents ..
nitrogen based human action figures ...
humans as atomic /molecular information display devices)
- Wikipedia
Hmong American from Laos who was convicted of murder. Vang, a six-year veteran of the California National Guard, shot eight people while on a hunting trip in northern Wisconsin on November 21, 2004; six were killed and two were wounded. Vang, who lived in ...
Personal life · Shootings · Investigation · Trial
Hmong American
ng A ..nitrogen gas .... Nature's
earth health systems military agent
earth health systems military agent
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
John W. Snow & White House - Wikipedia
............. Snow .... White --> project plan ..
Language/word House .... and integrity
VS citizen and university BS bragging
Secretary of the Treasury
Secret .... of the Treasury -
Snow was nominated as Secretary of the Treasury by President George W. Bush on January 13, 2003 and unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate. In July and August 2003, Snow and his colleagues, Labor Secretary Elaine Chao and Commerce Secretary Donald Evans, ...
President: George W. Bush
Political party: Republican
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
year 1776 7th month and 4th day CODE message
The History of the 4 DNA nitrogen bases and their
On July 4, 1776, the thirteen colonies claimed their independence from England, an event which eventually led to the formation of the United States. Each year on July 4th, also known as Independence Day, Americans celebrate this historic event. Conflict between the colonies and England was already a year old when the ...
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Nov 12, 2013 - The origins of the seventh inning stretch are lost to the shadows of history. One popular story dates back to the days of President William Howard Taft, who was attending a game in 1910 and stood up during the middle of the seventh inning to stretch
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Dec 10, 2016 - I started to argue that this sounded slightly over the top (and dangerous) but he wasn't listening. Instead, he flung an envelope at me and said, 'Happy seven years…' And there was the rub. Or rather, the itch. With boring predictability, we had fallen prey to the seven-year itch – the decline in relationship ...
Was The Armstrong Case Real?
The Armstrong Kidnapping Case. Poirot finds M. Bouc eating an omelet and we get the details of the Daisy Armstrong case: Daisy Armstrong was a small child who was kidnapped by a ring of criminals. She was then murdered. Her father was an Englishman named Colonel Armstrong. His mother was the daughter of a Wall ...
Rating: 4.4 - 403 reviews
Editorial Reviews. Amazon.com Review. Amazon Best Books of the Month, January 2011: Take any of physics' major theories of the fundamental nature of the universe, extrapolate its math to the logical extreme, and you get some version of a (so far unobservable) parallel universe. And who better to navigate these ...
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
year 1776 7th month and 4th day CODE message
The History of the 4 DNA nitrogen bases and their
molecular social engineering project ..... 4th of July | Military.com
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Seventh-inning stretch - Wikipedia
In baseball in the United States and Canada, the seventh-inning stretch is a tradition that takes place between the halves of the seventh inning of a game – in the middle of the seventh inning. Fans generally stand up and stretch out their arms and legs and sometimes walk around.
How did baseball's seventh-inning stretch originate? - Ask History
Sep 29, 2015 - Just like peanuts and Cracker Jack, the seventh-inning stretch is a baseball tradition. Precisely how this custom came about is unknown, but...
5 Reasons The Seventh Inning Stretch Is One Of Baseball's Most ...
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
The seven-year itch - Wikipedia
The seven-year itch is a psychological term that suggests that happiness in a relationship declines after around year seven of a marriage. The phrase originated as a name for irritating and contagious skin complaints of a long duration. Examples of reference may have included STD outbreaks that are known to significantly ...
How To Beat The '7-Year Itch' In Your Relationship | HuffPost
Jan 4, 2018 - Ups and downs are par for the course in any long-term relationship. But it's a commonly held belief that at the seven-year mark specifically, couples tend to fall into a slump, which often leaves them feeling restless and dissatisfied with the marriage. This is known as “the seven-year itch.” ...
Has your marriage hit the seven-year itch? Here's how to survive it
https://www.telegraph.co.uk › Lifestyle › Women › Sex
History of .......... Armstrong message system
Was The Armstrong Case Real?
'Murder On The Orient Express' - Bustle
Nov 9, 2017 - Edward Ratchett (Johnny Depp) is found dead in his train compartment on the Orient Express; a dozen, seemingly unconnected suspects deny any involvement, and Belgian private inspector Hercule Poirot (Kenneth Branagh) is desperate to solve the case. ... In the movie, as with the book ...
Murder on the Orient Express Part 1, Chapter 8 Summary - Shmoop
Armstrong is the 1993 professional world champion,
and won the Tour de France a record seven consecutive times from 1999 to 2005
and won the Tour de France a record seven consecutive times from 1999 to 2005
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of Bull-shit... - Amazon.com
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos Paperback – November 1, 2011. ... Yet, a number of theories are converging on the possibility that our universe may be but one among many parallel universes populating a vast multiverse. ... Hyperspace: A Scientific ...
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Language Universes and the Deep ... - Amazon.com
Daisy Armstrong
in Murder on the Orient Express (OE) ... Order Entry
- Shmoop
Daisy Armstrong and
Daisy... Armitage Street in Chicago helps explain ...
in Murder on the Orient Express (OE) ... Order Entry
- Shmoop
Daisy and Lance Armstrong
Charles de Gaulle - Wikipedia
Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle was a French general and statesman who led the French Resistance against Nazi Germany in World War II and chaired the Provisional Government of the French Republic from 1944 to 1946 in order to reestablish democracy in France. In 1958, he came out of retirement when ...
Charles de Gaulle -
Tour de France --> code Hex'F' = 15 ran 26 miles of
April 15, 2013 in Boston WAR ZONE
Charles de Gaulle Biography - Biography
Death Date: November 9, 1970
Education: Military Academy of Saint-Cyr
Birth Date: November 22, 1890
Early Military Career.
Early Military Career.Ear l y Military Career.
Earth language year 2013
Military Career with oxygen atom base 16
Boston Marathon Base 16 and Base 2
Attack with
Charles Darwin and Charles de Gaulle miliitary code .....
at the Charles River of mouth and writting BS in Boston citizens ......
Base 16 Hex'FF" .... French Foreign Legion
..... Fast Facts - CNN - CNN.com
double bombings near the finish line of the Boston Marathon killed three people and injured at least 264. Facts: The bombs exploded 12 seconds apart near the marathon's finish line on Boylston Street.
why are question marks upside down? | SpanishDict Answers
www.spanishdict.com › Q&A › Vocabulary & Grammar
Mar 7, 2013 - "in the beginning of a question" You really aren't "begging" the question are you? To answer yours: this is just part of the Spanish language punctuation along with "¡". There's really no simple answer as to why. All languages have history so the answer is in research. Better to just remember that when you ...
Why is there an upside-down question mark at the begining ...
www.spanishdict.com › Q&A › Vocabulary & Grammar
Carmen Ortiz, Boston Bombing Prosecutor, Makes History -
NBC biased and rigged News
https://www.nbcnews.com/.../carmen-ortiz-boston-bombing-prosecutor-makes-history...Jun 28, 2015 - BOSTON, MA -- The first woman and the first Hispanic to head the U.S. District Attorney's office in Massachusetts, Carmen Ortiz, led the case against Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 21, who was recently convicted and sentenced to death. Ortiz, who grew up in a humble Puerto Rican ...
The Two Cultures - Wikipedia
discourse since the Second World War.[2] ...and influence IBM base two (2)
and the IBM 8100 DPCX blood bio-computer system around year 1981 ...
using the 9 by 9 matrix with 81 elements ..... a subset of 81 elements contained
in number 100 of code word ...... b100d and its building PERMIT laws in Watertown Wisconsin (the 100 square feet limit).
C. P. Snow - Wikipedia
Charles Percy Snow, Baron Snow, CBE (15 October 1905 – 1 July 1980) was a novelist and English physical chemist who also served in several important positions in the British Civil Service and briefly in the UK government. He is best known for his series of novels known collectively as Strangers and Brothers, and for The ...
Doctoral students: Eric Eastwood
Alma mater: University of London; University of ...
C. P. Snow train/ educate system to detect SNOW JOBS and nonsense
C. P. Snow
C. P. Snow codes
Charles Percy - Wikipedia
Jump to U.S. Senate - In 1967, Senator Percy introduced a bill to establish a program to stimulate production of low-cost housing. Percy's proposal was the first of its kind to provide home ownership to low-income families, and it received strong support from Republicans in both the House and the Senate, although it ...
50 years ago: The unsolved slaying of Valerie Percy - Chicago Tribune
The Mystery of CP Violation - MIT
web.mit.edu/physics/news/physicsatmit/physicsatmit_06_sciollafeature.pdfby G Sciolla - Cited by 1 - Related articles44 ) sciolla mit physics annual 2006. The study of CP violation addresses a very fundamental question: are the laws of physics the same for matter and anti-matter, or are matter and anti-matter intrinsically differ- ent? The answer to this question may hold the key to solving the mystery of the matter-dominated Universe.
Charge-parity violation | symmetry magazine
C. P. Snow ... extension agent
Edward Snowden data generating agent .... explains - Wikipedia
Employer: Booz Allen Hamilton; Kunia Camp, ...
Known for: Revealing details of classified United ...
Nationality: American
Occupation: Computer security consultant
Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the
NSA and their mentality ... South American nonsense surveillance
... sur ..... NSA needs to surrender in
--> Salavador Dali surrealism war zone
The Average Bureaucrat - Salvador Dali Museum
PAINTING; The Average Bureaucrat; Spain; Oil on canvas; Image: 31 7/8 in x 25 3/4 in; As a Surrealist, Dalí had an aversion to bureaucrats. The surrealists were disgusted by bureaucrats who represented the despised bourgeois. Dalí also shared their aversion to bureaucrats, stemming from his days at the Residencia ...
Missing: burearcy
salvador dali - The Art Story Blog
Jul 9, 2015 - The Art Story Blog - Posts on salvador dali. ... Belgian artist Marcel Broodthaers gained fame for his conceptual artistic stagings critiquing the art world bureaucracy of the late 1960s and early 1970s. In a particular example from 1968 , the artist creates a mock American modern art museum with himself as ...
Salvador Dalí Biography, Art, and Analysis of Works | The blood arteries langauge Art Story
Movement: Surrealism
Died: January 23, 1989 - Figueras, Catalonia, ...
Born: May 11, 1904 - Figueras, Catalonia, Spain
Missing: burearcy
Afueras de la ciudad'' -
Método paranoico crítico Salvador Dalí ...
Método paranoico crítico Salvador Dalí ...
Suburbs of the "paranoiac-critical town" Suburbs of the "paranoiac-critical" afternoon (on the outskirts of European history) / Suburbs of a ...
code words..,,,, horizontal
....................................... tallahassee
....................................... TA........see/look
the Paul Dirac horizontal coffin
code words..,,,, horizontal
....................................... tallahassee
....................................... TA........see/look
the Paul Dirac horizontal coffin .....
............... Far Horizon --> Tallahassee
Florida State University and
the Base 16 hexadecimal language of
coffin ......... co + ff + in -->
code Hex'ff' = High-Values = 255
quantum software language LINKS
to the KEY word
.. Long Boat KEY Sara
(System area
foundation FLOOR ...... Florida
+ KEY West movie
(with the Frank Sinatra trap
............................Sinai peninsula
sin wave ...
data carrier wave TRAP ...
Far Horizons Resort (records sort/merge) for
the Stephen Hawking
even integer 2, 4, 6, 8
EVENT HORIZON (with the Far Horizons people system)
....................................... tallahassee
....................................... TA........see/look
the Paul Dirac horizontal coffin
....................................... tallahassee
....................................... TA........see/look
the Paul Dirac horizontal coffin .....
............... Far Horizon --> Tallahassee
Florida State University and
the Base 16 hexadecimal language of
coffin ......... co + ff + in -->
code Hex'ff' = High-Values = 255
quantum software language LINKS
to the KEY word
.. Long Boat KEY Sara
(System area
foundation FLOOR ...... Florida
+ KEY West movie
(with the Frank Sinatra trap
............................Sinai peninsula
sin wave ...
data carrier wave TRAP ...
Far Horizons Resort (records sort/merge) for
the Stephen Hawking
even integer 2, 4, 6, 8
EVENT HORIZON (with the Far Horizons people system)
White Sands, New Mexico LINK to White Sands, Sarasota - Wikipedia
White Sands is a census-designated place (CDP) in Doña Ana County, New Mexico, United States. It consists of the main residential area on the White Sands Missile Range. As of the 2010 census the population of the CDP was 1,651. It is part of the Las Cruces Metropolitan Statistical Area.
that Nature has used to contruct a vast netwrok of
earth electron PRINTED CIRCUIT board systems .....
earth electron PRINTED CIRCUIT board systems .....
on the earth electron geography surface and the earth electron undergound ...with soil electron information FLOW tunnels
(Paul Dirac quantum tunnels)
..... the Nikola Tesla earth vibration / wireless systems ..... underground LINK
to the ancient Netherworld language that uses the BOOK of the DEAD ...... atomic coffin DATA as
the only source of human thought language-
The Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) is a centimeter-wavelength radio astronomy observatory located in central New Mexico on the Plains of San Agustin, between the towns of Magdalena and Datil, ~50 miles (80 km) west of Socorro. The VLA comprises twenty-seven 25-meter radio telescopesdeployed in a ...
Number of telescopes: 27
Location(s): Socorro County, US
Telescope style: radio interferometer
Built: 1973–1980
A Tool to Solve the Puzzles of Space
to the ancient Netherworld language that uses the BOOK of the DEAD ...... atomic coffin DATA as
the only source of human thought language-
The Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) is a centimeter-wavelength radio astronomy observatory located in central New Mexico on the Plains of San Agustin, between the towns of Magdalena and Datil, ~50 miles (80 km) west of Socorro. The VLA comprises twenty-seven 25-meter radio telescopesdeployed in a ...
Number of telescopes: 27
Location(s): Socorro County, US
Telescope style: radio interferometer
Built: 1973–1980
A Tool to Solve the Puzzles of Space
and EARTHLY newspaper BS problem space
- The Washington Post
https://www.washingtonpost.com/.../a.../0862a56b-a191-4f02-b4b7-8cf1ff862298/Jul 30, 1978 - The very names of the research centers evoke the thunder of the bombs and missiles tested: Los Alamos, Alamogordo,
https://www.washingtonpost.com/.../a.../0862a56b-a191-4f02-b4b7-8cf1ff862298/Jul 30, 1978 - The very names of the research centers evoke the thunder of the bombs and missiles tested: Los Alamos, Alamogordo,
White Sands. "We're different,"
END of explanation
END of explanation
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